
joint resolution
a resolution passed by both houses of Congress which becomes legally binding when signed by the Chief Executive (or passed over the Chief Executive's veto) (Freq. 4)
Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence
United States, ↑United States of America, ↑America, ↑the States, ↑US, ↑U.S., ↑USA, ↑U.S.A.
Hypernyms: ↑resolution, ↑declaration, ↑resolve

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: a resolution passed by both branches of a legislative body; especially : one passed by both houses of the United States Congress and having the force of law when signed by the president or passed by a two-thirds majority of both houses over the president's veto

a joint resolution, requiring mere congressional majorities, has been resorted to when the treaty-making process … broke down — F.A.Ogg & P.O.Ray

— compare bill 3, concurrent resolution

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a resolution adopted by both branches of a bicameral legislative assembly and requiring the signature of the chief executive to become law.
[1830-40, Amer.]

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joint resolution noun (US)
One passed by both Houses of Congress
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Main Entry:join

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joint resolution,
a resolution passed in identical terms by the two branches of a legislative assembly, which, in the United States, requires the signature of the chief executive before it can become a law.

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ˌjoint resoˈlution 7 [joint resolution] noun
(in the US) a decision that has been approved by the Senate and the House of Representatives

Useful english dictionary. 2012.