
1. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth (Freq. 3)

an estimate of what it would cost


a rough idea how long it would take

Syn: ↑estimate, ↑estimation, ↑idea
Derivationally related forms: ↑estimate (for: ↑estimation), ↑estimate (for: ↑estimate)
Hypernyms: ↑calculation, ↑computation, ↑figuring, ↑reckoning
scalage, ↑credit rating, ↑credit, ↑guess, ↑guesswork, ↑guessing, ↑shot, ↑dead reckoning, ↑guesstimate, ↑guestimate, ↑overestimate, ↑overestimation, ↑overrating, ↑overreckoning, ↑underestimate, ↑underestimation, ↑underrating, ↑underreckoning
2. the quality of coming near to identity (especially close in quantity) (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: ↑similarity
3. an imprecise or incomplete account

newspapers gave only an approximation of the actual events

Hypernyms: ↑version
4. the act of bringing near or bringing together especially the cut edges of tissue
Syn: ↑bringing close together
Hypernyms: ↑joining, ↑connection, ↑connexion

Useful english dictionary. 2012.