
1. a sudden violent entrance; a bursting in (Freq. 1)

the recent irruption of bad manners

Derivationally related forms: ↑irrupt
Hypernyms: ↑entrance, ↑entering, ↑entry, ↑ingress, ↑incoming
2. a sudden sharp increase in the relative numbers of a population
Hypernyms: ↑population growth
3. a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)

the outbreak of hostilities

Syn: ↑outbreak, ↑eruption
Derivationally related forms: ↑irrupt, ↑erupt (for: ↑eruption)
Hypernyms: ↑happening, ↑occurrence, ↑occurrent, ↑natural event
Hyponyms: ↑epidemic, ↑recrudescence

Useful english dictionary. 2012.