
Irish bull
obscene words for unacceptable behavior

I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk


what he said was mostly bull

Syn: ↑bullshit, ↑bull, ↑horseshit, ↑shit, ↑crap, ↑dogshit
Derivationally related forms: ↑crappy (for: ↑crap), ↑bull (for: ↑bull), ↑bullshit (for: ↑bullshit)
Usage Domain: ↑obscenity, ↑smut, ↑vulgarism, ↑filth, ↑dirty word
Hypernyms: ↑bunk, ↑bunkum, ↑buncombe, ↑guff, ↑rot, ↑hogwash

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Usage: usually capitalized I
Etymology: bull (V)
: an expression containing apparent congruity but actual incongruity of ideas

“it was hereditary in his family to have no children” is a well-known Irish bull

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a paradoxical statement that appears at first to make sense. Example: He's the kind of guy who looks you right in the eye as he stabs you in the back.

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Irish bull,
an absurd and amusing mistake in language; bull.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.