
infectious disease
a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact (Freq. 3)
Hypernyms: ↑communicable disease
AIDS, ↑acquired immune deficiency syndrome, ↑brucellosis, ↑undulant fever, ↑Malta fever, ↑Gibraltar fever, ↑Rock fever, ↑Mediterranean fever, ↑cholera, ↑Asiatic cholera, ↑Indian cholera, ↑epidemic cholera, ↑dengue, ↑dengue fever, ↑dandy fever, ↑breakbone fever, ↑dysentery, ↑epidemic disease, ↑hepatitis, ↑herpes, ↑infectious mononucleosis, ↑mononucleosis, ↑mono, ↑glandular fever, ↑kissing disease, ↑leprosy, ↑Hansen's disease, ↑listeriosis, ↑listeria meningitis, ↑meningitis, ↑mumps, ↑epidemic parotitis, ↑paratyphoid, ↑paratyphoid fever, ↑poliomyelitis, ↑polio, ↑infantile paralysis, ↑acute anterior poliomyelitis, ↑ratbite fever, ↑rickettsial disease, ↑rickettsiosis, ↑relapsing fever, ↑recurrent fever, ↑rheumatic fever, ↑sweating sickness, ↑miliary fever, ↑tuberculosis, ↑TB, ↑T.B., ↑typhoid, ↑typhoid fever, ↑enteric fever, ↑whooping cough, ↑pertussis, ↑yaws, ↑frambesia, ↑framboesia, ↑yellow jack, ↑yellow fever, ↑black vomit

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: a disease caused by the entrance into and growth and multiplication in the body of bacteria, protozoans, fungi, or analogous organisms (as filterable viruses) — compare contagious disease

Useful english dictionary. 2012.