
swifts; in former classifications included in the order Coraciiformes
Syn: ↑family Apodidae
Hypernyms: ↑bird family
Member Holonyms: ↑Apodiformes, ↑order Apodiformes
Member Meronyms:
swift, ↑Apus, ↑genus Apus, ↑Chateura, ↑genus Chateura, ↑Collocalia, ↑genus Collocalia

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I. \\əˈpädəˌdē\
Etymology: New Latin, from Apod-, Apus (synonym of Triops), type genus + -idae — more at apus
synonym of triopidae
II. noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Apod-, Apus, type genus + -idae — more at apus
: a widely distributed family of birds (order Apodiformes) comprising the swifts and having flat skulls and all toes pointing forward but being swallowlike in appearance and behavior

Useful english dictionary. 2012.