
in reality
used to imply that one would expect the fact to be the opposite of that stated; surprisingly (Freq. 5)

you may actually be doing the right thing by walking out


she actually spoke Latin


they thought they made the rules but in reality they were only puppets


people who seem stand-offish are in reality often simply nervous

Syn: ↑actually

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IN (ACTUAL) FACT, in point of fact, as a matter of fact, actually, really, in truth; in practice; archaic in sooth.

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: in actual fact

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in reality
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Main Entry:real

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in reality phrase
used for saying that the true situation is different from what has been said or thought

Reports put the death toll at 50, when in reality it was closer to 200.

Thesaurus: words used to describe situations and circumstanceshyponym general words for situations and circumstancessynonym
Main entry: reality

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in actual fact (used to contrast a false idea of what is true or possible with one that is more accurate)

she had believed she could control these feelings, but in reality that was not so easy

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in reality
: in truth
— used to stress that something is true or real especially when it is different from what was believed or expected

They talked as if they had accomplished a lot, but in reality they did very little.

In reality, she was 15 years younger than she looked.

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Main Entry:reality

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in reˈality idiom
used to say that a situation is different from what has just been said or from what people believe

Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.

In reality, human beings and dinosaurs never lived on earth at the same time.

Main entry:realityidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.