
a river in northwestern Florida formed by the confluence of the Chattahoochee River and the Flint River at the Florida border
Syn: ↑Apalachicola River
Instance Hypernyms: ↑river
Part Holonyms: ↑Florida, ↑Sunshine State, ↑Everglade State, ↑FL

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\\ˌapəˌlachəˈkōlə\ noun (plural apalachicola or apalachicolas)
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Hitchiti Apolachicoli or Muskogee Apalachicolo, literally, people of the other side
1. : a Muskogean people of Georgia, Alabama, and Florida
2. : a member of the Apalachicola people — compare creek

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/ap'euh lach'euh koh"leuh/, n.
a river flowing S from NW Florida into the Gulf of Mexico. 90 mi. (145 km) long.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.