
n. & v. (US humor)
1 a the condition of being amusing or comic (less intellectual and more sympathetic than wit). b the expression of humour in literature, speech, etc.
2 (in full sense of humour) the ability to perceive or express humour or take a joke.
3 a mood or state of mind (bad humour).
4 an inclination or whim (in the humour for fighting).
5 (in full cardinal humour) hist. each of the four chief fluids of the body (blood, phlegm, choler, melancholy), thought to determine a person's physical and mental qualities.
1 gratify or indulge (a person or taste etc.).
2 adapt oneself to; make concessions to.
Phrases and idioms:
out of humour displeased.
-humoured adj. humourless adj. humourlessly adv. humourlessness n.
Etymology: ME f. AF umour, humour, OF umor, humor f. L humor moisture (as HUMID)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.