
1. German naturalist who explored Central and South America and provided a comprehensive description of the physical universe (1769-1859)
Syn: ↑Baron Alexander von Humboldt, ↑Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt
Instance Hypernyms: ↑naturalist, ↑natural scientist
2. German philologist noted for his studies of the relation between language and culture (1767-1835)
Syn: ↑Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt, ↑Baron Karl Wilhelm von Humboldt
Instance Hypernyms: ↑philologist, ↑philologue

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/hum"bohlt/; for 1, 2, also Ger. /hoom"bawlt/, n.
1. Friedrich Heinrich Alexander /frddee"drddikh huyn"rddikh ah'lek sahn"deuhrdd/, Baron von /feuhn/, 1769-1859, German naturalist, writer, and statesman.
2. his brother, (Karl) Wilhelm /kahrddl vil"helm/, Baron von, 1767-1835, German philologist and diplomat.
3. a town in NW Tennessee. 10,209.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.