
a river that rises in western Massachusetts and flows south through Connecticut to empty into Long Island Sound
Syn: ↑Housatonic River
Instance Hypernyms: ↑river
Part Holonyms:
Massachusetts, ↑Bay State, ↑Old Colony, ↑MA, ↑Connecticut, ↑Nutmeg State, ↑Constitution State, ↑CT

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\\ˌhüsəˈtänik, -üzə-\ noun (-s)
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: from the Housatonic river, Mass. & Conn.
: stockbridge

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/hooh'seuh ton"ik/, n.
a river flowing S from NW Massachusetts through SW Connecticut to Long Island Sound near Stratford, Connecticut. 148 mi. (240 km) long.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.