
hound dog
any of several breeds of dog used for hunting typically having large drooping ears (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑hound
Derivationally related forms: ↑hound (for: ↑hound)
Hypernyms: ↑hunting dog
Afghan hound, ↑Afghan, ↑basset, ↑basset hound, ↑beagle, ↑bloodhound, ↑sleuthhound, ↑bluetick, ↑boarhound, ↑coonhound, ↑foxhound, ↑harrier, ↑Plott hound, ↑redbone, ↑wolfhound, ↑greyhound, ↑Ibizan hound, ↑Ibizan Podenco, ↑Norwegian elkhound, ↑elkhound, ↑otterhound, ↑otter hound, ↑Saluki, ↑gazelle hound, ↑Scottish deerhound, ↑deerhound, ↑staghound, ↑Weimaraner
Member Holonyms: ↑pack

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chiefly South : hound

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1. Chiefly Southern U.S. Dial. hound1 (def. 1).
2. (cap.) Mil. a jet-propelled air-to-ground missile designed to be launched from B-52 aircraft and having nuclear capability.
[1640-50, Amer.]

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hound dog,
Southern U.S. a hound.

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ˈhound dog 7 [hound dog] noun (NAmE)
(especially in the southern US) a dog used in hunting

Useful english dictionary. 2012.