
horse chestnut
1. tree having palmate leaves and large clusters of white to red flowers followed by brown shiny inedible seeds (Freq. 1)
Syn: ↑buckeye, ↑Aesculus hippocastanum
Hypernyms: ↑angiospermous tree, ↑flowering tree
Hyponyms: ↑sweet buckeye, ↑Ohio buckeye, ↑dwarf buckeye, ↑bottlebrush buckeye, ↑red buckeye, ↑particolored buckeye
Member Holonyms: ↑Aesculus, ↑genus Aesculus
2. the inedible nutlike seed of the horse chestnut
Syn: ↑buckeye, ↑conker
Hypernyms: ↑seed

Useful english dictionary. 2012.