
home reserve
United States military reserves recruited by the states and equipped by the federal government; subject to call by either
Syn: ↑National Guard
Topics: ↑military, ↑armed forces, ↑armed services, ↑military machine, ↑war machine
Hypernyms: ↑territorial, ↑territorial reserve
Hyponyms: ↑Air National Guard, ↑ANG, ↑Army National Guard, ↑ARNG
Member Meronyms: ↑guardsman, ↑territorial
Part Meronyms: ↑National Guard Bureau, ↑NGB

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: a part of the organized armed forces of a country whose members live at home, carry on their usual vocations, and except for occasional calls for drill or instruction are liable to call only in emergency — called also militia, national guard, territorial reserve; compare home guard

Useful english dictionary. 2012.