
hold the line
1. hold the line on prices; keep the price of something constant
Hypernyms: ↑conserve, ↑preserve, ↑maintain, ↑keep up
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s on something

2. hold the phone line open

Please hang on while I get your folder

Syn: ↑hang on, ↑hold on
Topics: ↑telephone, ↑telephony
Hypernyms: ↑expect, ↑look, ↑await, ↑wait
Entailment: ↑call, ↑telephone, ↑call up, ↑phone, ↑ring
Verb Frames:

Somebody ——s

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: to keep things as they are without undesirable alteration

holding the line on the price of electrical appliances despite increased costs

hold the line on present taxes

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hold the line
1. See ↑hold (vi) above
2. To persist or maintain one's position while under pressure
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Main Entry:hold
hold the line see under ↑hold1
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Main Entry:line

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not yield to the pressure of a difficult situation

France's central bank would hold the line

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hold the line — see line, 1
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Main Entry:hold
hold the line
: to not allow any more changes or increases
— usually + against or on

We need to hold the line against further expansion into our territory.

The President has vowed to hold the line on tax increases. [=to not allow further tax increases]

see also line 7 (above), 1
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Main Entry:line

Useful english dictionary. 2012.