
1. a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion
Syn: ↑abortifacient, ↑abortion-inducing drug
Derivationally related forms: ↑abortifacient (for: ↑abortifacient)
Hypernyms: ↑drug
Hyponyms: ↑abortion pill, ↑mifepristone, ↑RU 486
2. the act of destroying a fetus
Syn: ↑feticide
Hypernyms: ↑induced abortion

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\\əˈbȯrd.əˌsīd\ noun (-s)
Etymology: abort (II) + -i- + -cide
1. : act of destroying a fetus within the uterus
2. : an agent that destroys the fetus and causes abortion

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/euh bawr"teuh suyd'/, n.
1. destruction of a fetus in the uterus; feticide.
2. a drug or other agent that causes abortion.
[ABORT + -I- + -CIDE]

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aborticide /ə-börtˈi-sīd/ noun
1. The killing of a fetus in the womb
2. A drug or agent causing this, an abortifacient
• • •
Main Entry:abort

Useful english dictionary. 2012.