
hard disk
a rigid magnetic disk mounted permanently in a drive unit
Syn: ↑hard disc, ↑fixed disk
Hypernyms: ↑magnetic disk, ↑magnetic disc, ↑disk, ↑disc
Hyponyms: ↑removable disk
Part Holonyms: ↑disk drive, ↑disc drive, ↑hard drive, ↑Winchester drive

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: a rigid metal disk coated with a magnetic material on which data for a computer can be stored ; also : hard drive herein

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See magnetic disk (def. 1).

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hard disk noun (computing)
A metal disc with a magnetic coating, in a sealed rigid container, having a higher recording density than a floppy disk
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Main Entry:hard

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hard disk UK US noun [countable] [singular hard disk plural hard disks]
the part inside a computer that stores the information it needs to work
Thesaurus: computer memory and data storage deviceshyponym
See also: floppy disk

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hard disk,
a rigid disk to store data in a computer, larger in capacity than a floppy disk.

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n. Computing a rigid nonremovable magnetic disk with a large data storage capacity, as distinct from the smaller capacity floppy disk

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noun, pl ⋯ disks [count]
computers : a disk that is not flexible and that is used to store computer data

Remember to save the file to your hard disk.

— compare floppy disk, hard drive

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ˌhard ˈdisk [hard disk hard disks] noun
a disk inside a computer that stores data and programs
compare floppy disk

Useful english dictionary. 2012.