
n. (also h) (pl. Hs or H's)
1 the eighth letter of the alphabet (see AITCH).
2 anything having the form of an H (esp. in comb.: H-girder).
abbr. (also H.)
1 hardness.
2 (of a pencil-lead) hard.
3 henry, henrys.
4 (water) hydrant.
5 sl. heroin.
symb. Chem. the element hydrogen.

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H variant UK US
Main entry: h

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H1 or h «aych», noun, plural H's or Hs, h's or hs.
1. the eighth letter of the English alphabet. »

There are two h's in high.

2. any sound represented by this letter.
3. (used as a symbol for) the eighth (of an actual or possible series): »

row H in a theater.

4. Slang. heroin.
Usage A nonstandard pronunciation «haych» sometimes occurs.
H2 «aych», noun, plural H's.
anything shaped like a capital H: »

I had a wound here that was like a T, But now 'tis like an H (Shakespeare).

h (no period),
an abbreviation or symbol for the following:
1. henry (unit of electrical inductance).
2. hydrocortisone.
3. Planck's constant.
an abbreviation for the following:
1. Mineralogy. a) hard. b) hardness.
2. Physics, Chemistry. head (unit of pressure).
3. height.
4. heir.
5. heller1.
6. high.
7. Baseball. hit or hits.
8. hour or hours.
9. husband.
H (no period),
an abbreviation or symbol for the following:
1. of a lead pencil: a) hard. b) hardness.
2. henry (unit of electrical inductance).
3. histocompatibility.
4. hydrogen (chemical element).
5. Physics. a) intensity of magnetic field. b) the earth's horizontal component of magnetic field.
H1 (no period),
protium (an isotope of hydrogen).
H2 (no period),
heavy hydrogen; deuterium (an isotope of hydrogen).
H3 (no period),
tritium (an isotope of hydrogen).
H+ (no period),
hydrogen ion.
an abbreviation for the following:
1. harbor.
2. hard.
3. high.
4. hour.
5. (of a periodical publication) number; part (German, Heft).

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[āch] I
(also h) n. (pl. Hs or H's ['āchiz])
1) the eighth letter of the alphabet
denoting the next after G in a set of items, categories, etc
h Chess denoting the file on the right-hand edge of the board, as viewed from White's side
2) H a shape like that of a capital H
3) H Music (in the German system) the note B natural
II 1.
hard (used in describing grades of pencil lead)

a 2H pencil

height (in giving the dimensions of an object)
Physics henry(s)
informal heroin
Chemistry enthalpy
the chemical element hydrogen
Physics magnetic field strength

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: the eighth letter of the English alphabet

The word “hand” begins with an h.


The word “hand” begins with h.

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H [H] (also h) noun, abbreviation [eɪtʃ] [eɪtʃ]
noun countable, uncountable (pl. Hs, H's, h's [ˈeɪtʃɪz] ; [ˈeɪtʃɪz] )
the 8th letter of the English alphabet

‘Hat’ begins with (an) H/‘H’.

compare aitch
see also H-bomb
(in writing) ↑henry [m1] 

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the eighth letter of the Roman alphabet, ancient and modern, representing historically the Semitic

Useful english dictionary. 2012.