
golden eagle
large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck
Syn: ↑Aquila chrysaetos
Hypernyms: ↑eagle, ↑bird of Jove
Hyponyms: ↑ringtail
Member Holonyms: ↑Aquila, ↑genus Aquila

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noun, pl ⋯ eagles [count]
: a very large bird that lives in the northern parts of the world and that is dark brown with yellow feathers on the back of its head and neck

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ˌgolden ˈeagle [golden eagle] noun
a large ↑bird of prey (= a bird that kills other creatures for food) of the ↑eagle family, with brownish feathers, that lives in northern parts of the world

Useful english dictionary. 2012.