
ginger family
a family of tropical monocotyledonous plants of order Musales
Syn: ↑Zingiberaceae, ↑family Zingiberaceae
Hypernyms: ↑monocot family, ↑liliopsid family
Member Holonyms: ↑Musales, ↑order Musales
Member Meronyms:
Zingiber, ↑genus Zingiber, ↑Curcuma, ↑genus Curcuma, ↑Alpinia, ↑genus Alpinia, ↑genus Zerumbet, ↑genus Languas, ↑Aframomum, ↑genus Aframomum, ↑Elettaria, ↑genus Elettaria

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: zingiberaceae

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the plant family Zingiberaceae, characterized by tropical, often aromatic herbaceous plants having rhizomes, long sheathing leaves, and clusters of tubular flowers, and including cardamon, ginger, and turmeric.

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ginger family,
a group of monocotyledonous herbs found chiefly in tropical regions of the Eastern Hemisphere. The family includes ginger, tumeric, and cardamom.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.