
genus Artemisia
usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America: wormwood; sagebrush; mugwort; tarragon
Hypernyms: ↑asterid dicot genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Compositae, ↑family Compositae, ↑Asteraceae, ↑family Asteraceae, ↑aster family
Member Meronyms:
artemisia, ↑mugwort, ↑southernwood, ↑Artemisia abrotanum, ↑common wormwood, ↑absinthe, ↑old man, ↑lad's love, ↑Artemisia absinthium, ↑sweet wormwood, ↑Artemisia annua, ↑California sagebrush, ↑California sage, ↑Artemisia californica, ↑field wormwood, ↑Artemisia campestris, ↑sand sage, ↑silvery wormwood, ↑Artemisia filifolia, ↑wormwood sage, ↑prairie sagewort, ↑Artemisia frigida, ↑Roman wormwood, ↑Artemis pontica, ↑bud brush, ↑bud sagebrush, ↑Artemis spinescens, ↑dusty miller, ↑beach wormwood, ↑old woman, ↑Artemisia stelleriana

Useful english dictionary. 2012.