
free-tailed bat
small swift insectivorous bat with leathery ears and a long tail; common in warm regions
Syn: ↑freetail, ↑freetailed bat
Hypernyms: ↑carnivorous bat, ↑microbat
Hyponyms: ↑guano bat, ↑Mexican freetail bat, ↑Tadarida brasiliensis, ↑pocketed bat, ↑pocketed freetail bat, ↑Tadirida femorosacca
Member Holonyms: ↑Tadarida, ↑genus Tadarida

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\\ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷-\ noun
: a bat of the families Emballonuridae or Molossidae in which the tail is more or less independent of the posterior portion of the flight membrane

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any of various small, swift, insect-eating bats of the family Molossidae, common in warm climates, having thick, leathery ears and a tail that projects well beyond the tail membrane.

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(also freetail bat) n. a streamlined fast-flying insectivorous bat with a projecting tail, found in tropical and subtropical countries. Family Molossidae: several genera and numerous species, including the mastiff bats and hairless bats

Useful english dictionary. 2012.