
Free French
a French movement during World War II that was organized in London by Charles de Gaulle to fight for the liberation of France from German control and for the restoration of the republic
Syn: ↑Fighting French
Topics: ↑World War II, ↑World War 2, ↑Second World War
Hypernyms: ↑movement, ↑social movement, ↑front

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(in World War II) the French movement, organized in London under the leadership of General Charles de Gaulle, that repudiated the 1940 armistice with the Nazis and the government established at Vichy and fought for the liberation of France and the restoration of the republic.

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Free French
(from 1942 Fighting French) continuers under General de Gaulle of resistance to Germany in World War II after the French capitulation of 1940
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Main Entry:French

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Free French,
the French people who continued resistance to Germany after the Franco-German armistice of 1940. They were later sometimes known as the Fighting French.

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plural n. an organization of French troops and volunteers in exile formed under General de Gaulle in 1940. Based in London, the movement organized forces that opposed the Axis powers in French Equatorial Africa, Lebanon, and elsewhere, and cooperated with the French Resistance

Useful english dictionary. 2012.