
foxtail millet
coarse drought-resistant annual grass grown for grain, hay, and forage in Europe and Asia and chiefly for forage and hay in United States
Syn: ↑Italian millet, ↑Hungarian grass, ↑Setaria italica
Hypernyms: ↑foxtail, ↑foxtail grass
Hyponyms: ↑Siberian millet, ↑Setaria italica rubrofructa, ↑German millet, ↑golden wonder millet, ↑Setaria italica stramineofructa
Member Holonyms: ↑Setaria, ↑genus Setaria

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: a coarse drought-resistant but frost-sensitive annual grass (Setaria italica) with a thick heavy elongated spicate inflorescence that is probably derived from an Old World bristle grass (S. viridis), has differentiated into a number of varieties under cultivation, and is grown for grain, hay, and forage in the Old World and chiefly for green fodder and silage in the U.S. — called also Hungarian grass, Italian millet; see german millet, siberian millet

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a grass, Setaria italica, of numerous varieties, introduced into the U.S. from Europe and Asia, and grown chiefly for use as hay.

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foxtail millet,
a grain native to Europe and Asia, grown in the United States for hay, pasture, and fodder.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.