
for the most part
in large part; mainly or chiefly (Freq. 15)

These accounts are largely inactive

Syn: ↑largely, ↑mostly
Derived from adjective: ↑most (for: ↑mostly)

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MOSTLY, mainly, in the main, on the whole, largely, by and large, to a large extent, predominantly, chiefly, principally, basically, generally, usually, typically, commonly, as a rule, on balance, on average.

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I. phrasal
: in most cases : mainly
II. phrasal
: in most cases : in the main : with regard to the greatest portion

the dunes were … for the most part protected by seawalls — J.A.Steers

persons who for the most part have some special knowledge — Allan Nevins

the mafic minerals are for the most part hornblende and biotite — American Journal of Science

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for the most part
1. Chiefly
2. In the main
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Main Entry:most
for the most part
1. Commonly
2. Mostly
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Main Entry:part

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for the most part phrase
used for saying that something is mainly true but not completely true

For the most part we were happy to live alongside each other.

In many countries medical services are state-funded and, for the most part, free.

Thesaurus: mainlysynonym
Main entry: most

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in most cases; usually

the older members, for the most part, shun him

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for the most part
1 : almost all or almost completely

Menu items are, for the most part, under $5. [=almost all the menu items cost less than $5]

We wanted to keep it simple, and I think we were successful for the most part.

— used to describe a condition or situation that usually exists or is true

Streets fill with people during the festival, but for the most part [=usually, most of the time] it's a quiet, sleepy town.

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Main Entry:most
for the most part — see most, 1
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Main Entry:part

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for the ˈmost part idiom
mostly; usually

The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists.

Main entry:partidiom

Useful english dictionary. 2012.