v. & n.
1 frustrate, baffle, defeat.
2 Hunting a run over or cross (ground or a scent) to confuse the hounds. b (absol.) (of an animal) spoil the scent in this way.
1 Hunting the track of a hunted animal.
2 archaic a repulse or defeat.
Etymology: ME, = trample down, perh. f. OF fouler to full cloth, trample, ult. f. L fullo FULLER(1)
1 a metal hammered or rolled into a thin sheet (tin foil). b a sheet of this, or of tin amalgam, attached to mirror glass as a reflector. c a leaf of foil placed under a precious stone etc. to brighten or colour it.
2 a person or thing that enhances the qualities of another by contrast.
3 Archit. a leaf-shaped curve formed by the cusping of an arch or circle.
Etymology: ME f. OF f. L folium leaf, and f. OF foille f. L folia (pl.)
n. a light blunt-edged sword with a button on its point used in fencing.
foilist n.
Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn.
Etymology: abbr.
Useful english dictionary. 2012.