
fit in
go together (Freq. 2)

The colors don't harmonize


Their ideas concorded

Syn: ↑harmonize, ↑harmonise, ↑consort, ↑accord, ↑concord, ↑agree
Derivationally related forms: ↑agreeable (for: ↑agree), ↑concord (for: ↑concord), ↑accordant (for: ↑accord), ↑accord (for: ↑accord), ↑harmony (for: ↑harmonize)
match, ↑fit, ↑correspond, ↑check, ↑jibe, ↑gibe, ↑tally, ↑agree
Hyponyms: ↑blend, ↑go, ↑blend in
Verb Group:
match, ↑fit, ↑correspond, ↑check, ↑jibe, ↑gibe, ↑tally, ↑agree
Verb Frames:

Something ——s


Somebody ——s


Something is ——ing PP

* * *

(of a person) be socially compatible with other members of a group

he feels he should become tough to fit in with his friends

(of a thing) be in harmony with other things within a larger structure

produce ideas that fit in with an established approach

(also fit into) (of a person or thing) constitute part of a particular situation or larger structure

where do your sisters fit in?

Useful english dictionary. 2012.