
field trip
a group excursion (to a museum or the woods or some historic place) for firsthand examination
excursion, ↑jaunt, ↑outing, ↑junket, ↑pleasure trip, ↑expedition, ↑sashay

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: a visit made by students and usually a teacher for purposes of firsthand observation (as to a factory, farm, clinic, museum)

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1. a trip by students to gain firsthand knowledge away from the classroom, as to a museum, factory, geological area, or environment of certain plants and animals.
2. a trip by a scholar or researcher to gather data firsthand, as to a geological, archaeological, anthropological, or other site.

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field trip noun
An expedition (esp by students) to observe and study something at its location
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Main Entry:field

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field trip UK US noun [countable] [singular field trip plural field trips]
a visit to a place that gives students the chance to study something in a real environment, rather than in a classroom or laboratory
Thesaurus: teaching and ways of teachinghyponym

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field trip,
a trip away from school to give students the opportunity to see things or places closely and at first hand: »

The class went on a field trip to the fire department to observe the fire prevention methods they had been reading about.

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n. a trip made by students or research workers to study something at first hand

a field trip to the power plant was organized

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noun, pl ⋯ trips [count]
: a visit to a place (such as a museum or zoo) that is made by students to learn about something

We took a class field trip to the power plant.

We went on a field trip.

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ˈfield trip [field trip] noun
a journey made by a group of people, often students, to study sth in its natural environment

We went on a geology field trip.

Delegates at the conference were taken on field trips to see the devastation.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.