
(archaic) roundabout or mysterious ways of action
Usage Domain: ↑plural, ↑plural form, ↑archaism, ↑archaicism
Hypernyms: ↑way, ↑path, ↑way of life

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/am bay"jeez/, n. Archaic. (used with a pl. v.)
winding, roundabout paths or ways.
[1350-1400; ME < L ambages (pl.) circuits, equiv. to amb(i)- AMBI- + -ag- (comb. form of agere to move) + -es pl. ending; cf. INDAGATE]

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ambages /am-bāˈjēz/
plural noun
1. Windings
2. Roundabout ways
3. Delays
ORIGIN: L ambāgēs (pl), from ambi- about, and agere to drive or lead
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ambage /amˈbij/ noun
1. Tortuousness
2. Circumlocution
ambagious /-bāˈjəs/ adjective
1. Tortuous
2. Circumlocutory
ambagitory /-bajˈi-tər-i/ adjective (Walter Scott)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.