1 any imaginary country or city abounding in gold.
2 a place of great abundance.
Etymology: Sp. el dorado the gilded
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an imaginary place of great wealth and opportunity; sought in South America by 16th-century explorers
• Syn: ↑El Dorado
• Hypernyms: ↑imaginary place, ↑mythical place, ↑fictitious place
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\\ˌeldəˈrä](ˌ)dō, -rā], -ra], -rȧ], ]də\ noun (-s)Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: after El Dorado, fabulously wealthy city or country that 16th century explorers thought existed in So. America, from Spanish, literally, the gilded one
: a place of fabulous wealth, abundance, or opportunity
in the eldorado of the New World they quickly amassed wealth and power
the town is a composer's eldorado — Aaron Copland
orchards which in blossoming time offer an eldorado of color — Samuel Van Valkenburg & Ellsworth Huntington
Useful english dictionary. 2012.