
trees or shrubs of the families Ebenaceae or Sapotaceae or Styracaceae or Symplocaceae
Syn: ↑order Ebenales
Hypernyms: ↑plant order
Member Holonyms: ↑Dicotyledones, ↑class Dicotyledones, ↑Dicotyledonae, ↑class Dicotyledonae, ↑Magnoliopsida, ↑class Magnoliopsida
Member Meronyms:
Ebenaceae, ↑family Ebenaceae, ↑ebony family, ↑Sapotaceae, ↑family Sapotaceae, ↑sapodilla family, ↑Symplocaceae, ↑family Symplocaceae, ↑sweetleaf family, ↑Styracaceae, ↑family Styracaceae, ↑storax family, ↑styrax family

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\\ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈnā(ˌ)lēz\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin ebenus + New Latin -ales
: an order of dicotyledonous shrubs or trees having flowers with united petals and superior ovary and stamens borne on the corolla tube and constituting the families Ebenaceae, Sapotaceae, Styracaceae, and Symplocaceae

Useful english dictionary. 2012.