
1 tr. permit (a practice, a person to do something, a thing to happen, etc.) (smoking is not allowed; we allowed them to speak).
2 tr. give or provide; permit (a person) to have (a limited quantity or sum) (we were allowed pound500 a year).
3 tr. provide or set aside for a purpose; add or deduct in consideration of something (allow 10% for inflation).
4 tr. a admit, agree, concede (he allowed that it was so; 'You know best,' he allowed). b US state; be of the opinion.
5 refl. permit oneself, indulge oneself in (conduct) (allowed herself to be persuaded; allowed myself a few angry words).
6 intr. (foll. by of) admit of.
7 intr. (foll. by for) take into consideration or account; make addition or deduction corresponding to (allowing for wastage).
allowable adj. allowably adv.
Etymology: ME, orig. = 'praise', f. OF alouer f. L allaudare to praise, and med.L allocare to place

Useful english dictionary. 2012.