
Eamon de Valera
Irish statesman (born in the United States); as president of the Irish Free State he was responsible for the new constitution of 1937 that created the state of Eire (1882-1975)
Syn: ↑de Valera
Instance Hypernyms: ↑statesman, ↑solon, ↑national leader

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Eamon de Valera [Eamon de Valera]
(1882–1975) an Irish political leader, born in the US. He was put in prison by the British on various occasions and took part in the ↑Easter Rising against the British in 1916. He was leader of the ↑Sinn Fein party from 1917 until 1926 when he formed the ↑Fianna Fáil party. He directed the talks with Britain which led to southern Ireland’s independence from Britain in 1921. He was Taoiseach ( ↑Prime Minister of the Irish republic) three times and its President from 1959 to 1973.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.