
dogwood family
a rosid dicot family of the order Umbellales including: genera Aucuba, Cornus, Corokia, Curtisia, Griselinia, Helwingia
Syn: ↑Cornaceae, ↑family Cornaceae
Hypernyms: ↑rosid dicot family
Member Holonyms: ↑Umbellales, ↑order Umbellales
Member Meronyms:
Aucuba, ↑genus Aucuba, ↑Cornus, ↑genus Cornus, ↑Corokia, ↑genus Corokia, ↑Curtisia, ↑genus Curtisia, ↑Griselinia, ↑genus Griselinia, ↑Helwingia, ↑genus Helwingia

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: cornaceae

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the plant family Cornaceae, characterized by trees and shrubs having simple opposite leaves, small flowers often surrounded by showy, petallike bracts, and berrylike fruit, including the bunchberry, cornelian cherry, and dogwood.

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dogwood family,
a group of dicotyledonous herbs, shrubs, and trees, found chiefly in north temperate regions. The family includes the flowering dogwood, bunchberry, aucuba, and cornel.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.