
n. & adj.
—n. a dipterous insect.
—adj. = DIPTEROUS 1.
Etymology: mod.L diptera f. Gk diptera neut. pl. of dipterous two-winged (as DI-(2), pteron wing)

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insects having usually a single pair of functional wings (anterior pair) with the posterior pair reduced to small knobbed structures and mouth parts adapted for sucking or lapping or piercing
Syn: ↑dipterous insect, ↑two-winged insects, ↑dipteron
Hypernyms: ↑insect
gall midge, ↑gallfly, ↑gall gnat, ↑fly, ↑robber fly, ↑bee killer, ↑fruit fly, ↑pomace fly, ↑louse fly, ↑hippoboscid, ↑mosquito, ↑gnat, ↑fungus gnat, ↑sciara, ↑sciarid, ↑crane fly, ↑daddy longlegs
Member Holonyms: ↑Diptera, ↑order Diptera
Part Meronyms: ↑halter, ↑haltere, ↑balancer

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noun or adjective
see diptera

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/dip"teuhr euhn/, adj.
1. dipterous (def. 1).
2. a dipterous insect.
[1835-45; DIPTER(A) + -AN]

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dipˈteran noun
A dipterous insect
• • •
Main Entry:Diptera

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ˈdipteran, a. and n. Entom.
[f. as dipter, Diptera + -an.]
A. adj. = dipterous. B. n. A dipterous insect.
in Brande Dict. Sci., etc.: and in mod. Dicts.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.