
digestive system
the system that makes food absorbable into the body
Syn: ↑gastrointestinal system, ↑systema alimentarium, ↑systema digestorium
Hypernyms: ↑system
Part Holonyms: ↑body, ↑organic structure, ↑physical structure
Part Meronyms:
liver, ↑pancreas, ↑digestive juice, ↑digestive fluid, ↑alimentary canal, ↑alimentary tract, ↑digestive tube, ↑digestive tract, ↑gastrointestinal tract, ↑GI tract, ↑digestive gland, ↑salivary gland

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the system by which ingested food is acted upon by physical and chemical means to provide the body with absorbable nutrients and to excrete waste products; in mammals the system includes the alimentary canal extending from the mouth to the anus, and the hormones and enzymes assisting in digestion.

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digestive system UK US noun [countable] [singular digestive system plural digestive systems] medical
the system of organs and processes in the body of humans and animals that deals with the digestion of food
Thesaurus: organs and system for processing foodhyponym

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diˈgestive system 7 [digestive system] noun
the series of organs inside the body that ↑digest food

Useful english dictionary. 2012.