
deadly sin
an unpardonable sin entailing a total loss of grace (Freq. 1)

theologians list seven mortal sins

Syn: ↑mortal sin
Ant: ↑venial sin (for: ↑mortal sin)
Hypernyms: ↑sin, ↑sinning
pride, ↑superbia, ↑envy, ↑invidia, ↑avarice, ↑greed, ↑covetousness, ↑rapacity, ↑avaritia, ↑sloth, ↑laziness, ↑acedia, ↑wrath, ↑anger, ↑ire, ↑ira, ↑gluttony, ↑overeating, ↑gula, ↑lust, ↑luxuria

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noun, pl ⋯ sins [count]
: one of seven sins that in the Christian religion are considered to be very serious and are believed to cause other sins
◇ The seven deadly sins are usually considered to be pride, envy, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, and sloth.

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ˌdeadly ˈsin 7 [deadly sin] noun
one of the seven actions for which you can go to hell, in Christian tradition

Greed is one of the

seven deadly sins


Useful english dictionary. 2012.