
a native or resident of Wales
Syn: ↑Welshman, ↑Welsh, ↑Cambrian
Derivationally related forms: ↑Cambrian (for: ↑Cambrian), ↑Welsh (for: ↑Welsh)
Hypernyms: ↑European
Member Holonyms: ↑Wales, ↑Cymru, ↑Cambria

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/kim"ree/, n. (used with a pl. v.)
the Welsh, or the branch of the Celtic people to which the Welsh belong, comprising also the Cornish people and the Bretons.
Also, Kymry.
[ < Welsh Cymry Welshmen, pl. of Cymro < British Celtic *combrogos, presumably "fellow countryman," equiv. to *com- (c. L com- COM-) + *-brogos, deriv. of *broga > Welsh, Cornish, Breton bro country, district; cf. Allobroges a Gaulish tribe, OIr mruig piece of inhabited or cultivated land]

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Cymˈry noun
The Welsh nation
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Main Entry:Cymric

Useful english dictionary. 2012.