
1 (in the UK) Territorial (Officer's) Decoration.
2 Ir. Teachta Daacutela, Member of the Daacuteil.

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I. \\ˈtēˈdē\ noun (-s)
Etymology: from TDutch, initials stamped on a common make of clay pipe
: a clay pipe
II. abbreviation or noun (-s)
Etymology: touchdown
III. abbreviation
1. tank destroyer
2. [Irish Gaelic Teachta Dala] member of parliament
3. telegraph department
4. telephone department
5. temporary disability; temporary duty
6. territorial decoration
7. time deposit
8. tons per day
9. total depth
10. tractor-drawn
11. traffic director
12. treasury decision; treasury department

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1. touchdown; touchdowns.
2. trust deed.

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1. Teachta Dála, Deputy to the Dáil
2. Technical drawing
3. Territorial Decoration

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TD (no periods),
1. tardive dyskinesia: »

TD is fairly common among chronic mental patients who have taken antipsychotic drugs for a substantial period of time (Science News).

2. Football. touchdown.

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technical drawing
Football touchdown
Treasury Department

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/ˈtiːˈdiː/ noun, pl TDs [count]
American football informal :touchdown

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TD [TD] [ˌtiː ˈdiː] [ˌtiː ˈdiː] noun
the abbreviation for Teachta Dála , Member of the Dáil (a member of the ↑lower house of the parliament of the Republic of Ireland)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.