
type genus of the Cucurbitaceae
Syn: ↑genus Cucurbita
Hypernyms: ↑dicot genus, ↑magnoliopsid genus
Member Holonyms: ↑Cucurbitaceae, ↑family Cucurbitaceae, ↑gourd family
Member Meronyms:
pumpkin, ↑pumpkin vine, ↑autumn pumpkin, ↑Cucurbita pepo, ↑squash, ↑squash vine, ↑summer squash, ↑summer squash vine, ↑Cucurbita pepo melopepo, ↑winter squash, ↑winter squash plant, ↑hubbard squash, ↑Cucurbita maxima, ↑turban squash, ↑Cucurbita maxima turbaniformis, ↑buttercup squash, ↑prairie gourd, ↑prairie gourd vine, ↑Missouri gourd, ↑wild pumpkin, ↑buffalo gourd, ↑calabazilla, ↑Cucurbita foetidissima
Part Meronyms: ↑cushaw, ↑Cucurbita mixta, ↑Cucurbita argyrosperma

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\\-bəd.ə\ noun
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, gourd — more at gourd
: the type genus of Cucurbitaceae comprising tropical herbaceous vines that have a bell-shaped gamopetalous corolla five-lobed to the middle or a little lower, coherent stamens, and a many-seeded fleshy fruit with a hard rind, that include the squashes, pumpkins, vegetable marrows, and certain gourds, and that are now nearly cosmopolitan in cultivation

Useful english dictionary. 2012.