
mostly small New World rodents including New World mice and lemmings and voles and hamsters
Syn: ↑family Cricetidae
Hypernyms: ↑mammal family
Member Holonyms: ↑Myomorpha, ↑suborder Myomorpha
Member Meronyms:
New World mouse, ↑Reithrodontomys, ↑genus Reithrodontomys, ↑Peromyscus, ↑genus Peromyscus, ↑Baiomys, ↑genus Baiomys, ↑Onychomys, ↑genus Onychomys, ↑Ondatra, ↑genus Ondatra, ↑Neofiber, ↑genus Neofiber, ↑Sigmodon, ↑genus Sigmodon, ↑wood rat, ↑wood-rat, ↑Neotoma, ↑genus Neotoma, ↑Oryzomys, ↑genus Oryzomys, ↑Pitymys, ↑genus Pitymys, ↑Microtus, ↑genus Microtus, ↑Arvicola, ↑genus Arvicola, ↑Clethrionomys, ↑genus Clethrionomys, ↑genus Phenacomys, ↑Cricetus, ↑genus Cricetus, ↑Mesocricetus, ↑genus Mesocricetus, ↑Gerbillinae, ↑subfamily Gerbillinae, ↑Meriones, ↑genus Meriones, ↑lemming, ↑Lemmus, ↑genus lemmus, ↑Myopus, ↑genus Myopus, ↑Dicrostonyx, ↑genus Dicrostonyx, ↑Synaptomys, ↑genus Synaptomys

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\\krə̇ˈsed.əˌdē\ noun plural
Usage: capitalized
Etymology: New Latin, from Cricetus, type genus + -idae
: a family of myomorph rodents comprising the New World mice, the lemmings, voles, hamsters, and related forms that are mostly small, resemble mice or rats, and have three molar teeth on each side whose cusps in the upper series are arranged in transverse pairs

Useful english dictionary. 2012.