
air travel
travel via aircraft

air travel involves too much waiting in airports


if you've time to spare go by air

Syn: ↑aviation, ↑air
Members of this Topic:
pass over, ↑overfly, ↑fly, ↑red-eye, ↑cruise, ↑stooge, ↑stall, ↑buzz, ↑crab, ↑aviate, ↑pilot, ↑fly blind, ↑fly contact, ↑solo, ↑test fly, ↑jet, ↑glide, ↑kite, ↑sailplane, ↑soar, ↑power-dive, ↑nosedive, ↑crash-dive, ↑chandelle, ↑belly-land, ↑crash land, ↑ditch, ↑land, ↑put down, ↑bring down, ↑deplane, ↑emplane, ↑enplane, ↑peel off
Hypernyms: ↑travel, ↑traveling, ↑travelling
Hyponyms: ↑flight, ↑flying

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air travel,
1. travel by airplane.
2. the amount of travel by airplane during a specified period.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.