
adj. & v.
1 morally depraved; wicked.
2 influenced by or using bribery or fraudulent activity.
3 (of a text, language, etc.) harmed (esp. made suspect or unreliable) by errors or alterations.
4 rotten.
1 tr. & intr. make or become corrupt or depraved.
2 tr. affect or harm by errors or alterations.
3 tr. infect, taint.
Phrases and idioms:
corrupt practices fraudulent activity, esp. at elections.
corrupter n. corruptible adj. corruptibility n. corruptive adj. corruptly adv. corruptness n.
Etymology: ME f. OF corrupt or L corruptus past part. of corrumpere corrupt- (as COM-, rumpere break)

Useful english dictionary. 2012.