
concentration camp
1. a penal camp where political prisoners or prisoners of war are confined (usually under harsh conditions) (Freq. 7)
Syn: ↑stockade
Hypernyms: ↑camp
Hyponyms: ↑death camp
Instance Hyponyms: ↑Auschwitz, ↑Belsen, ↑Buchenwald, ↑Dachau
2. a situation characterized by crowding and extremely harsh conditions
Hypernyms: ↑misery, ↑wretchedness, ↑miserableness

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noun, pl ⋯ camps [count]
: a type of prison where large numbers of people who are not soldiers are kept during a war and are usually forced to live in very bad conditions

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concenˈtration camp f200 [concentration camp concentration camps] noun
a type of prison, often consisting of a number of buildings inside a fence, where political prisoners, etc. are kept in extremely bad conditions

a Nazi concentration camp

Useful english dictionary. 2012.