
common factor
an integer that divides two (or more) other integers evenly
Syn: ↑common divisor, ↑common measure
Hypernyms: ↑divisor, ↑factor
Hyponyms: ↑greatest common divisor, ↑greatest common factor, ↑highest common factor

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see common divisor

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common factor UK US noun [countable] [singular common factor plural common factors] maths
a number that a group of two or more other numbers can be divided by exactly. 4 is a common factor of 8, 12, and 20
Thesaurus: numbers and types of numberhyponym

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common divisor or common factor,
a number that will divide a group of two or more other numbers without a remainder: »

Two is a common divisor of 4, 6, 8, and 10.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.