
cold sweat
the physical condition of concurrent perspiration and chill; associated with fear (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: ↑physical condition, ↑physiological state, ↑physiological condition
Part Holonyms: ↑fear, ↑fearfulness, ↑fright

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Etymology: cold (I)
: perspiration accompanied by feelings of chill or cold and usually induced or accompanied by dread, fear, or shock

the blush of embarrassment or the cold sweat of fear — Journal American Medical Association

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a chill accompanied by perspiration, caused by fear, nervousness, or the like.

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cold sweat UK US noun [singular]
a nervous or worried feeling that causes you to sweat although you feel cold
Thesaurus: sweating and sweathyponym feelings of worry and nervousnesssynonym going to the toilethyponym

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cold sweat,
perspiration accompanied by a chilly feeling, especially as produced by fear or nausea.

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n. a state of sweating induced by fear, nervousness, or illness

he used to break into a cold sweat when he was called on in class

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noun [singular]
: a condition in which someone is sweating and feeling cold at the same time because of fear, illness, etc.

The patient feels faint and is in a cold sweat.

I break out in a cold sweat when I think about asking my boss for a pay raise.

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ˌcold ˈsweat [cold sweat] noun usually singular
a state when you have sweat on your face or body but still feel cold, usually because you are very frightened or anxious

to break out into a cold sweat

I woke up in a cold sweat about the interview.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.