
Christmas rose
European evergreen plant with white or purplish rose-like winter-blooming flowers
Syn: ↑winter rose, ↑black hellebore, ↑Helleborus niger
Hypernyms: ↑hellebore

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Usage: usually capitalized C
: a European herb (Helleborus niger) having white or purplish roselike flowers produced in winter

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a European hellebore, Helleborus niger, having evergreen leaves and white-to-purplish flowers that bloom in the winter. Also called winter rose.

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Christmas rose or Christmas flower noun
An evergreen plant (Helleborus niger) that bears cup-shaped white flowers in winter or early spring
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Main Entry:Christmas

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Christmas rose,
a low-growing, European, evergreen plant of the crowfoot family, grown for its white flowers which bloom in winter or early spring; black hellebore.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.