
n. & v.
1 a the act or an instance of making or becoming different. b an alteration or modification (the change in her expression).
2 a money given in exchange for money in larger units or a different currency. b money returned as the balance of that given in payment. c = small change.
3 a new experience; variety (fancied a change; for a change).
4 a the substitution of one thing for another; an exchange (change of scene). b a set of clothes etc. put on in place of another.
5 (in full change of life) colloq. the menopause.
6 (usu. in pl.) the different orders in which a peal of bells can be rung.
7 (Change) (also 'Change) hist. a place where merchants etc. met to do business.
8 (of the moon) arrival at a fresh phase, esp. at the new moon.
1 tr. & intr. undergo, show, or subject to change; make or become different (the wig changed his appearance; changed from an introvert into an extrovert).
2 tr. a take or use another instead of; go from one to another (change one's socks; changed his doctor; changed trains). b (usu. foll. by for) give up or get rid of in exchange (changed the car for a van).
3 tr. a give or get change in smaller denominations for (can you change a ten-pound note?). b (foll. by for) exchange (a sum of money) for (changed his dollars for pounds).
4 tr. & intr. put fresh clothes or coverings on (changed the baby as he was wet; changed into something loose).
5 tr. (often foll. by with) give and receive, exchange (changed places with him; we changed places).
6 intr. change trains etc. (changed at Crewe).
7 intr. (of the moon) arrive at a fresh phase, esp. become new.
Phrases and idioms:
change colour blanch or flush. change down engage a lower gear in a vehicle. change gear engage a different gear in a vehicle. change hands
1 pass to a different owner.
2 substitute one hand for another. change one's mind adopt a different opinion or plan. change of air a different climate; variety. change of heart a conversion to a different view. change over change from one system or situation to another. change-over n. such a change. change step begin to keep step with the opposite leg when marching etc. change the subject begin talking of something different, esp. to avoid embarrassment.
change one's tune
1 voice a different opinion from that expressed previously.
2 change one's style of language or manner, esp. from an insolent to a respectful tone. change up engage a higher gear in a vehicle.
get no change out of sl.
1 fail to get information from.
2 fail to get the better of (in business etc.). ring the changes (on) vary the ways of expressing, arranging, or doing something.
changeful adj. changer n.
Etymology: ME f. AF chaunge, OF change, changer f. LL cambiare, L cambire barter, prob. of Celt. orig.

Useful english dictionary. 2012.