
any of various tiny insects whose larvae are parasites on eggs and larvae of other insects; many are beneficial in destroying injurious insects
Syn: ↑chalcid fly, ↑chalcid, ↑chalcid wasp
Hypernyms: ↑hymenopterous insect, ↑hymenopteran, ↑hymenopteron, ↑hymenopter
Hyponyms: ↑chalcis fly
Member Holonyms: ↑Chalcididae, ↑family Chalcididae, ↑Chalcidae, ↑family Chalcidae

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/kal"sid fluy'/, n., pl. chalcidflies.
any of numerous small flies of the family Chalcididae, often having bright metallic coloration, the larvae of which are chiefly parasitic on various stages of other insects. Also called chalcid /kal"sid/, chalcid fly, chalcid wasp.
[1890-95; < Gk chalk(ós) copper, brass (with allusion to the coloration) + -ID2 + FLY2]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.