
case study
1. a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure
Topics: ↑corporation, ↑corp
Hypernyms: ↑report, ↑study, ↑written report
2. a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view
Hypernyms: ↑analysis

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noun, pl ⋯ -ies [count]
: a published report about a person, group, or situation that has been studied over time

a case study of prisoners

also : a situation in real life that can be looked at or studied to learn about something

The company's recent history is a case study in bad management.

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ˈcase study [case study case studies] noun
a detailed account of the development of a person, a group of people or a situation over a period of time

Useful english dictionary. 2012.